I was working on turning a dress into a skirt, but the zipper went from the top of the dress to below where I wanted to cut it for the skirt. I did not want to cut the zipper out and sew a new one in, or remove the zipper and do an elastic waist. After looking at the zipper and noticing the little silver zipper stoppers (as I call them), I decided to try taking them out and replacing them down the skirt right beneath where I was planning on cutting. This is exactly what I ended up doing, and it worked really well.
First I used some needle nosed pliers and a sewing pin to pry the zipper stopper off.
Then I placed the zipper stopper where I wanted it on the zipper, and pushed the two little prongs through the zippers’ fabric using the pin and pliers to help get them through.
Then, using the pliers, I squashed the larger prong down over the plastic part of the zipper.
Then I did the same for the other side, and yay! New shorter zipper!
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